celay Gto, 02 de abril de 2019. if you are thinking of travel and do not know wher eto acapulco, excellent idea to go to end of the year with it is incredible beaches and archaelogical ruins. but if you want to visit acapulco the best seasons, to go are in decenber or april with an almonst perfec climate.
To be able to make the most of it, at least you shouldn't stay for a week it is great option for you and your Friends.
If you atención looking for a place yo stay they Ritz hotel is a great idea for you where you can stay 4 day and 3 nights with everything incluidos
The cost pero personas is:
Adult.$ 5180.00
Adolescentes 13 to 15 years old is: $3840.00
Insertar 12 to 15 years old is: $2880.00
Do not forget to visit Acapulco and see it's nightlife culture with the most contrasts beaches, where you Will find areas to go for a walk ir just watch the sunset.
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