Strong sanctions
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Strong sanctions

In this news we will announce one of the most important facts in the decision making by the institution faith and joy San Ignacio IED.

Daniel Aragon | 28 oct 2019

Student information

Strong sanctions


Is it necessary for the school to be so rigorous when it comes to banning something?


In the San Ignacio IED school located in the bosa san miguel neighborhood, the second installment of students' academic reports was organized, a circular was sent on days where they specifically informed parents that unaffected students go on the day of the call .

This with an overly important purpose since decisions about the use of accessories and misuse of the uniform by the students would be made, none of these decisions were communicated to the previous students but instead the day after the delivery of reports We obtained the knowledge of the decisions taken, in these they reached mutual agreements and from that day the teachers of the institution have the order to sanction even the smallest failure of the coexistence manual, which can lead to different confrontations of students against teachers .

Some students state that these decisions are very excessive since sometimes teachers determine extremes such as calling the coordinator of the Omar López institution who takes severe reprisals for not complying with what teachers say, but the point is in some decisions at the time Sanctions are not corrections by teachers.
Perhaps at the end of the year all these erroneous acts by the students are taken into account and the other year the decision making process is still as rigorous as it has been seen that every year the school takes more extreme measures against the failures of the manual of coexistence.

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