The environmental Colombian project
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The environmental Colombian project

Camila Marín | 12 ago 2020

The environmental Colombian project

A recognition in the Latino America Verde prizes was received by the Caem and the CAR, two corporations that promote the efficient use of different water resources in the productive sector.

The Caem and the CAR received the recognition for promoting sustainable practices in the use of the water. This project is named “efficient use of the water resource” and after received that recognition this two corporations have carried approximately 60 companies to implement actions in order to reduce the bad water footprint. This has allowed reducing the water consumption in 21 m³/month, an important help to improve the water resources.

The work of one of the two corporations has achieved that some companies decrease the shedding of polluting waste in hydric sources like lakes or rivers, improving the water quality and the life of the fishes and other organisms that lived there.

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