The Miguel Aleman Valdez Football Stadium
Located un the city of Celaya Gto. It was inagurated un 1954 and remodeled 40 years later to comply with the guidelines of de mexican football federation and be the headquarers of the first divition. In this estadium the Celaya soccer club teams (1958-1961) and Atlético Celaya bulls (1994-2002) played in the first divition. At the moment it is used by the Celaya soccer club of the ascent MX.
In this study they played their last official games as profecionales, three mythical figures of world soccer: Hugo Sanchez, Michelle and Emilio Budragueño. There was played the first leg of the great final of the season (95-96) between Atlético Celaya and club Necaxa ,the first of May 1996 given as result (1-1)
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