what is a school garden
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what is a school garden

It is known that more than one person can have this question, what is a school garden? I was going to explain what a school garden is and what is its purpose

sebastian guayara | 3 jul 2019

The school garden has the purpose that students begin to experience agriculture, this is a project that most schools have. They have a free zone with which the students will be given different tools to start preparing the furrows to go cultivating different species of seeds but this does not end because since the project is carried out until the end of the year they must be ensure that the garden does not have any danger nearby because if you do not protect the necessary you can not get any results, for that students must have certain knowledge to know what will help the growth of the crops and what could harm it and for Finally, in the work process, students will have to strengthen their work in a team, something else in which the project of the school garden in the students also helps to strengthen the laco among them in order to achieve a good result.



Link de la imagen: http://www.elauladepapeloxford.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/huerto-escolar.png

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