So far this year there have been many activities outside the PIIC axes, but at the same time continue to help fulfill the purpose to be achieved by the end of 2019, which is to make a market of ethnic knowledge aimed at the community so that they can find out about all the activities that have been developed in the school so that they can contribute to the improvement of it.
A clear example of these activities has been the commitment of the students of the Ancestral PTI, since they always do awareness campaigns on the environment, in addition to several times the teacher in charge of these also helps decorate and remodel the garden for that ninth grade students can fulfill the purpose that was proposed to them at the beginning of the year and thus be able to fulfill the community.
And another activity that has been done in the class schedules have been the works and activities related to Deepening of PIIC, where each student works in a different axis with type 1 activities in order to relate them all and meet the ninth grade goal of this quarter, an example of the work done in deepening has been the development of the digital newspaper in order to keep the community informed of the work done in PIIC.
Esta web se reserva el derecho de suprimir, por cualquier razón y sin previo aviso, cualquier contenido generado en los espacios de participación en caso de que los mensajes incluyan insultos, mensajes racistas, sexistas... Tampoco se permitirán los ataques personales ni los comentarios que insistan en boicotear la labor informativa de la web, ni todos aquellos mensajes no relacionados con la noticia que se esté comentando. De no respetarse estas mínimas normas de participación este medio se verá obligado a prescindir de este foro, lamentándolo sinceramente por todos cuantos intervienen y hacen en todo momento un uso absolutamente cívico y respetuoso de la libertad de expresión.
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