acoustic diseases
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acoustic diseases

Ear diseases are usually due to noise related to the outskirts of a quiet environment or others due to infections, bad formations, structure injuries.

6 nov 2019

The most frequent diseases can occur are:
it is the infection of the external auditory canal that connects the inner ear with the pavilion. Excess water in the ears can be the quasi that the ear canal can infect with some ease.
el deporte al aire libre eleva el riesgo de desarrollarenfermedades respiratorias 

meniere: It is an auditory disorder that affects the inner ear and is characterized by a malfunction resulting from the accumulation of fluid, which will increase the pressure of the ear. The second symptoms are nausea and vertigo due to impaired balance.
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Deafness can be the result of damage to the inner ear or nerves. It can be caused by a congenital defect, injuries, illnesses, certain medications, exposure to loud sounds or age-specific wear and tear, so a deaf person will be unable or will have trouble hearing.

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