The quarrel occasionally begins with a rivalry between the two individuals facing each other or the two groups facing each other, either for a sentimental relationship or just because they don’t have a good relationship, these fights can be verbally or physically but they usually start verbally and then move on to the part of physical aggression where the blows begin, and/or assault with knives, as you can also see firearms, so occasionally in these fights there are deaths and the relatives remain unknown because he died or because he was killed.
Because eventually the relatives do not know the problems that the individual has nor because i start a quarrel, the most affected by this problem are the students as these are the most seen in quarrel and it always happens after school hours.
The students are quoted in their place and in the hour to be able to start a quarrel in which are the two individuals or the group as such in danger of death without knowing one of the other, only for a rivalry they can’t solve by dialogue.
As a conclusion it can be deduced that the fights give several negative impacts towards students because in one of these they may die without knowing because they had a rivalry with Sierta person and that instead of going to physically and verbally assault each other, they could go to have a good conversation with someone else and not end their lives.
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