The importance of English in the workplace
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The importance of English in the workplace

Vanessa Hilario | 14 may 2020

Due to globalization and technology, several countries have as their mother tongue or working language, it is important to be able to communicate in another language
More than 70% of Mexicans lose job opportunities due to poor English skills.
 English is the first language most requested and best known, their salary will increase, so more and more companies request interviews, as well as written exams during their interviews to know the degree of mastery they have.

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You will be able to aspire to better positions more than 70% of managerial positions demand bilingual professionals, therefore, the use of a second language will boost their work.

You can also establish business internationally, English is the official language for doing business anywhere in the world. For companies, it is essential to have people who can converse with foreign representatives, travel to English-speaking countries to close labor alliances, without language being an impediment.

Having the ability to communicate fluently in a second language will help you grow professionally and personally, you will be able to interact with people from other countries and learn about new cultures.

You can also enjoy successful movies worldwide. Most movies are recorded in English as the primary language. Even though technology allows us to copy movies to the language of your country, they are best enjoyed in the language they were recorded for

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 It is a very enriching language, since it requires a great mental capacity to be able to obtain a good vocabulary and a good command when applying it in a professional or student field, this language offers us to obtain better diplomas in a large field. Career at work, in much of Europe and other continents, there are quite a few places where you speak English, allowing us to communicate with more places in the world, English, without the need for a translator, considered one of the most romantic languages ??and Even a great help to implement the mastery of other languages ??such as French, it is a somewhat difficult language to learn, but with enough interest and commitment, it can become a very striking language, because it is a language widely recognized and spoken by many cultures, in a globalized world we must update ourselves more.




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