what was the real reason or rumor about the expulsion of Apu in the tv serie "The Simpsons?"
Apu is one of the most popular characters on "The Simpsons", recognized and loved by the public. For that reason, the fans began to do a little protest based on rumors about his withdrawal from the serie because of the criticisim and racial ridicule suffered by the character in the serie. Besides the racial polemic fell on Apu, including a documental that was made to talk about racial and stereotypes problems of Apu, and some rumors that were not denied by the creators for a long time.
Great part of the tv series like the simpsons have been created to make social criticism. Although the social criticism from the simpsons is really good, it is becoming a little offensive for a small part of society. The criticism wasn't made for the stereotype of Apu like many others in the series, Apu is a reality of the society. However, this reality hadn't been dealt well from part of the public
One year ago, the social networks had been a lot of rumors, explanations, and theories about the real reason of Apu’s withdrawal
One of the people who contributed with rumors and theories was Dross Rotzank who said Apu was not the worst stereotype of the simpsons, actually apu was not a stereotype. Over the years we learned to love and respect him, a noble worker, a touching story that we met with certain chapters dedicated to him.
those chapters had been made with essence and originality from the Simpsons.
After several months of doubts about his future presence in the series, finally the creator of the successful Fox production, Matt Groening, has broken a spear in favor of one of the most beloved characters.
this polemic about Apu is being promoved around the world, for that the words and declarations have been getting the necessary attention from the creator of the serie and the voice actor of apu.
The creator of the serie, Matt Groening, has assured that the character will continue to lead the Badulaque in Springfield.
Meanwhile the voice actor Hank Azaria said they all know that he could not continue to make that voice unless there was some form of transition.
In conclusion the polemic has been denied about rumors of Apu. One of the top teachings with this controversial problem is that we must learn to be tolerant and not to discriminate every social situation to be better during our lives.