Trajectory of the United Kingdom Bilingual School
IB News

Trajectory of the United Kingdom Bilingual School

Isabella Bustos | 31 ago 2020

1982: That was the year when the El Ruiseñor y la Rosa Bilingual Kindergarten was founded. Name brought from the fable of the writer Oscar Wilde. That first year there were one hundred and twenty-something students from the kindergarten, pre-kindergarten, garden and transition grades.
1985: In this year, the name was changed from "The Nightingale and the Rose Bilingual Kindergarten" to "UK Bilingual School" (CBRU) due to its identity with the English culture.
1992: This year when the baccalaureate or basic secondary is created on October 21, 1992.
1994: This year the school stood out for showing important results, both in the field of Sciences, Arts and Sports disciplines, as well as in the training and teaching of English as a second language.
2018: After starting the phase of "Committed to excellence" 2 stars, we received the International Certification of Quality and Excellence, called: "COMMITED TO EXCELLENCE 2 STAR"

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