Opinion letter "The school beyond COVID 19"
Pasaje, 29th of September, 2020
Editor of the newspaper "Student expression"
Next I will give my opinion on a problem that is present worldwide "THE SCHOOL BEYOND THE COVID" and that seriously affects thousands of children and young people of school age.
I believe that this pandemic has exposed inequalities in education, the shortcomings of distance learning, the cost of the digital divide, as well as the essential role played by schools in the health and well-being of students.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest disruption ever to education. That is why it is important to build the future of education today, we have a generational opportunity to reimagine education and teaching, we can take a leap and move towards progressive systems that provide quality education for all, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Faced with such a scenario, we cannot allow ourselves that these circumstances that affect us do not leave us undaunted, we must react and promote changes; It will be simple to develop modifications of form, the challenge will be to promote substantive changes, and these can only be carried out from a recognition of the challenge from the teaching base itself, it cannot and should not be expected by a guru demagogue, much less by A plan prepared by paid specialists, true social reform will continue to be a task that must be constituted in a community manner.
It is important to rebuild education to create agents of change ready to meet global challenges. In the aftermath of the crisis, governments around the world will need to re-examine their learning systems to address these obstacles. It is a unique opportunity to improve education. To achieve this, it is necessary to invest in literacy so that digital infrastructures evolve towards learning how to learn, we must revitalize continuous learning and strengthen the links between the formal and informal sectors of education, we must also take advantage of teaching methods flexibility, digital technologies and modernization of curricula, while ensuring that teachers and communities have sustained support.
When everything has passed, you have to get the best out of the experience: the aspiration for equality, solidarity, the taste and sense of learning, the place of ethics, respect for life and nature, the value of meeting and affection, teacher professionalism, creativity, teacher networks, the commitment of families and the gaze of communities. And putting it all in a renewed school, the crisis offers the opportunity to rebuild education systems that are more robust and equitable than before.
The drive to improve education must start now All education systems around the world are in emergency response mode. This reaction is absolutely correct, given how suddenly this crisis occurred. The immediate priority is to address it, which means protecting health and safety first, and then doing everything possible to keep students engaged through distance learning and other links to the school.
Carlos Lara Zea
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