Camila Cabello's life
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Camila Cabello's life

Sherlyn Noriega | 17 nov 2020

Karla CamilaCabello Estrabaoits a famous cuban-mexican Singer.Her dad is from CDMX and her mom from“la havana”as her most famous songShe also has a little sister named Sofi. She lived in Havanaalmost for three years(place were se was borned) then she moved to Miamias an immigrant. It was really hard for her family. When shewas 15 years old their parents asked her to decidewhat she wanted for her quinceañera party, she said that she wanted to go to the X Factor even though she was very shy and she couldn’tsing in fromof her parents because of that. Finally,she got into the show, she and her band “Fifth Harmony”won the third place in the competition being successfultogether a really long time, then Camila dicided to left the group and start as a solo artist, now she’sone of the most successfulwomen’sin the industry. She’s very talented, humble, and kind. She deserves everything that she’s reaching, she came from a very poor family and noy she’sjust amazing.

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