National anthem of Sweden
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National anthem of Sweden

The Swedish national anthem – called “Sveriges nationalsång” in Sweden, is not only sung at sportevents like the Olympic games or games of the national football team. Swedes have a special relationship with their national anthem. They even sing it during private motto-parties and festivities, called sittnings, and, of course, on midsummer

27 mar 2018


Lyrics in English
Thou ancient, Thou free, Thou mountainous north
Thou quiet, Thou joyful [and] fair!
I greet thee, loveliest land upon earth,
Thy sun, Thy sky, Thy climes green.
Thou thronest on memories of great olden days,
When honoured Thy name flew across the earth,
I know that Thou art and wilt remain what thou werest,
Yes, I want to live, I want to die in the North.

to listen the National anthem of Sweden click  to this link:

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