Sweden is a country with a high interest in sport. It is estimated that about half the population is active in some sport. The most popular sports that Swedes play are handball, football, golf, athletics and gymnastics. Other common games played or competed in are tennis, ice hockey, basketball, table tennis and bandy.
Religion in Sweden is diversified. Christianity was the religion of virtually all of the Swedish population from the 12th to the early 20th century, but it has rapidly declined throughout the late 20th and early 21st century. In 2015, legally registered Christians comprised 69.9% of the total population.
The currency of Sweden is the Swedish Krona (SEK). As well, the people of Sweden are refered to as Swedish.
The usage of the coats of arms is regulated by Swedish Law, which states (in unofficial translation) that "in commercial activities, the coats of arms, the flag or other official insignia of Sweden may not be used in a trademark or other insignias for products or services without proper authorisation. This includes any mark or text referring to the Swedish State which this can give the commercial mark a sign of official endorsement. This includes municipal coats of arms which are registered."
The Swedish national anthem – called “Sveriges nationalsång” in Sweden, is not only sung at sportevents like the Olympic games or games of the national football team. Swedes have a special relationship with their national anthem. They even sing it during private motto-parties and festivities, called sittnings, and, of course, on midsummer
Located in the continent of Europe, Sweden covers 410,335 square kilometers of land and 39,960 square kilometers of water, making it the 56th largest nation in the world with a total area of 450,295 square kilometers. Sweden was founded as a distinct and original nation in 1523. The nation has a density of 22 people per square kilometer.