El noticiario de la Tribu
El noticiario de la Tribu 
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Our students have done some descriptions about the family where they have used all the structures and vocabulary they have learn in class.

25 abr 2017

Grandfather is tall and fat. He has got two ears and two hands. Grandfather is wearing a blue sweater and black pants, white socks and black shoes. He can go to the sofa  and watch TV. He can´t move to the sofa and run. His favourite music is the music of the news and his favorite food is biscuit


Grandfather is very old. He has got a hearing aid, a hoe and  a moustache. Grandfather is wearing  glasses, a green sweater, a black belt, blue jeans, and brow shoes. He can run, play chess and cook. But he can’t speak English and write. His favourite music is super hit 1930. His favourite food is artichoke.



Grandmother is 88 years old. She has got 40 grandchildren,, a garden and a hearing aid. She is wearing a blue shirt,  blue jeans and black shoes. He can cook, clean and watch TV but can’t jump, play tennis and use a computer. His favourite music is 1870 blues and his favourite food is onion.

Grandtfather is an old man. He has got a car .Grandfather is wearing   a black belt, brown pants, black shoes, black socks and a green suit . He can tell fantastic stories, But he can’t practise sport.  His favourite music is rock and roll and his  favourite food is banana. 

Grandfather is old and fat. He has got white hair, a moustache, glasses and green eyes. Grandfather is wearing green T-shirt, grey trousers and black shoes. He can walk, swim and float but he can´t jump, fly and run. His favourite music is classical music and his favourite food is fruit.



Grandmother is skinny and old. She has got white hair, pending glasses and green eyes. She can walk, swim and cook. Her favourite music is Extremoduro and her favourite foot is meat.   




Grandmother is medium. She is 76 years old. She has got white hair and white eyelashes. Grandmother is wearing a purple shirt, white glasses, light green pants,  gold earrings and  socks .she can climb the mountain and run but she can’t walk, speak and write. Her favorite music is rock and her favourite food is soup.


Daddy is tall. He has got 2 eyebrows, 2 arms, short hair and 2 legs. Daddy is wearing a colourful T-Shirt, red pants, black socks and white shoes. He can speak many languages, walk and run but he can´t sing and fly. His favourite music is classical and his favourite food is rice.




Mummy is beautiful. She has got a baby and black hair. Mummy is wearing a black jeans, black socks and a red shirt. She can take the child and cook but she can´t stop watching TV. Her favourite music is romantic and her favorite food is pizza.




Mummy is very tall. she has got 1 mouth 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 ears. Mummy is wearing a pink  t- shirt, a purple shirt, blue pants,  white socks  and yellow shoes. She can sing walk  and  eat  but  she can’t fly  swim and  speak . Her favourite music is  pop  and  her  favorite food  is cheese.

Mummy is a woman. She has got a motorcycle. Mummy is wearing green lime dress, black 
high heel shoes and a white jacket. she likes  cooking. But he can’t fly. Her favourite music is modern music  and his  favourite food is fish.




The Brother is tall. He has got 2 eyes, 2 legs, 2 ears and 1 mouth. Brother  is wearing a green T- shirt, pink shorts  and blue shoes. He can run, walk, swim and climb. He can´t fly. His favourite music is rock. His favorite food is macarroni.





The Sister is small. She has got  white hair, eyes closed and a big mouth. The Sister   is wearing  a pink skirt  and  pink socks.She  can  run, swin  and walk, but  she  can´t  climb  the  trees. His favorite music is  reggaeton  and  his favorite  food  is meat.

Sister is  the tallest ann the most beautiful in the family. She has got long brown hair and brown eyes. Sister is wearing a blue dress, white socks and blue shoes. He can jump and run. She can`t fly and walk. Her favourite music is sia and her favourite food is biscuit.


The Baby is small. He has got 2 eyes, 2 arms and 1 mouth. Baby is wearing a blue T-Shirt and red shorts. He can fly and swim but he can´t walk and run. His favourite music is rock and his favourite food is strawberry



Baby is small. He has got no glasses, big and brown eyes,  a small nose and a funny mouth. Baby is wearing an orange shirt, blue pants and no socks. He can jump but he can ´t walk. His favorite musics are nursery rhymes and her favorite food is cheese.




The Baby is small. He has got, 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth. Baby  is wearing orange T-shirt and blue shorts. But he can, crawl. But he can´t run, walk, swim and climb.  His favorite music nunsery rhymes. His favorite food milk.




The Baby is nice and very small. He has got short hair and big eyes. Baby is wearing a white T – shirt and black shorts. He can cry and laugh but he can´t walk and swim. His favourite music is baby Einstein and his favourite food is milk.



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