El noticiario de la Tribu
El noticiario de la Tribu 
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Who am I?

4 may 2017

He was born in Fulham, London, the 23rd of July, 1989. He is an English actor, popular mainly for having carried out a saga cinematográfica. Fundamentally for that reason, it has harvested a fortune of 23 million pounds sterling, part of which has destined to charitable organizations He expressed his desire to act at the age of five but did not do so until five years later. It obtained a paper and in December of 1999 made its debut in the telefilme David Copperfield, gave life to the protagonist in its infantile stage. In August of 2000 after several auditions by which passed near forty thousand aspirants got the starring role in the feature film Directed by Chris Columbus. J. K. Rowling, author of the novels on which the films are based, stated that she was happy about the young man's choice. After seeing the audition test I can not think that they would have found a better actor for the film.

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