tree planting
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tree planting

v | 25 jul 2019


On Monday, July 8, of the year 2019 in the City of Bogota. The Plantation of 85 tree individuals in the Miamis Park was carried out in, this plantation, was carried out by the students of the Fe y Alegria San Ignacio District Educational Institution, more specifically the students of the Ninth level. The plantation was carried out under certain indications of those in charge of the Plantation of these, tree individuals was carried out by the Students of the Institution, being guided under the instructions of the managers, the species of the Tree Individuals were Eugenia, Jazmin De La China and Urban palm trees After this, the experts gave the indication to the Students that they had to make one so to speak an "Adoption" Of these trees they had to perform the respective care of the tree that corresponded to each of the students, place a sign to name the Adopted tree of each student after this was given a Certificate, to each of the students certified which is the proof that each student was given a tree individual to perform in respective care and track your tree.


Resultado de imagen para plantación de arbol

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