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In this article we will talk about how the abandonment of their parents at home affects children and young people.

2 oct 2019

1: LOW SELF-ESTIMATE = fear currently encompasses the child or young person in their school environments or in the participation of activities since they cannot establish a self-confidence to interact with other young people involved in this activity, they live in a reality away from social groups because of their disagreement to interact.

2: LOW ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE = your parents may notice their poor academic performance and their isolation from school at the time of delivery of their grades, and, in some cases, leave this situation aside and pay no attention to their children since they need a maternal or paternal figure who are at the moment in front of this situation to help or support them in this problem.

3: BAD BEHAVIOR = seek to attract attention as: rebellion, fighting, lack of interest in things, this is evidenced by the hormonal changes experienced by young people.

4 . IDENTITY PROBLEMS = they usually lose their identity and change their thoughts and beliefs, it is also affected when identifying their sexual orientation, they usually lose their ability to develop cognitive skills and abilities.

5 : THEY DO NOT HAVE AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO TREAT THE OPPOSITE GENDER = if there is abuse in their home about mothers, young people would be psychologically affected in the growth of adolescence and their current situation is of machismo and feminism, women tend to be submissive against men because it was the teaching that was reflected in their home.

In these cases there is a lack of communication between parents and young people, parents should be more explicit when talking with their children, parents should be more aware with their children and take the maturity to listen to their children and support them in their decisions and accept your gender tastes, etc.

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