In recent years, the institution has seen pollution in corridors, courtyards, classrooms and orchards. The most congested places are the classrooms and courtyards because the students are people without values and without culture.
Students of faith and joy do not become aware when it comes to properly throwing the waste to where they belong, and leave them in undue places, on the one hand when they impose the rules or rules to keep the space clean rest students make acts of intolerance and do not follow orders of teachers and management team.
Mainly the students throw their papers in the corridors and courtyard and other places that make up the institution, giving it a bad appearance and leading to visual pollution, discussions between directives and students and bad smells.
This problem is evident in the rest hours of primary and high school, also at the time of class change.
This is reflected by the lack of tolerance towards the environment, as well as by the lack of culture that was taught from home. One possible solution is for students who are constantly late to comply with an exact number of paperwork to help reduce the problem of waste.
In conclusion the visual pollution, pollution in the garden, and what has been presented in the bathrooms is for lack of tolerance among those within the institution.
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