English, the passport to the globalized world
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English, the passport to the globalized world

The importance of speaking a second language (English) in Mexico to have a better chance of achieving success in a globalized world. (Ingles)

Marcia 4B | 12 may 2020


In the current context of economic globalization, various countries pay attention to language learning because they have understood that language is an essential vehicle for development, especially in economies focused on foreign trade.

Language is also an instrument of power that supports the processes of conquest, colonization, transmission of culture and even the social transformation of peoples.

One of the most noted languages or language is English. English has advanced since the 19th century, thus becoming the international language of today. Several decades ago, it was predicted that the half of the income of all the States of the world would be produced by less than 300 transnational companies, much of them North American, which has promoted the dominance of English as a universal language, developed countries like those of the Third, the learning of this language as a second language is now part of the schools program as we can see it in Mexico. In the ONU the use of English is 95%.

English has positioned itself as the lingua franca, that is, the world's leading global vehicle language, especially in political, economic, scientific, social and even spheres, in different areas of everyday life. And it will continue to prevail, as the economy globalizes, it is important to learn other languages, especially those of the predominant economies in international trade such as: German, Mandarin apart from English.

In the present absence is synonymous with deficiency and lack of preparation and a boost in the growth of the professional environment. His presence in everyday life is a reality since companies like Liverpool already require it and is so controversial in the marketing of their stores.

Since Mexico if it wants to go ahead and not stay stagnant, we have to be more serious about learning 
new languages, the main ones


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