La Globalización
La Globalización 
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The importance of speaking a second language(English)in Mexico to have a better chance of achieving success in a globalized world.

Alan | 18 may 2020

Speaking a second language has many advantages. Among them, being able to speak and communicate with people in another language fosters independence and improves job opportunities. But it is also a fantastic opportunity to interact, learn and discover other cultures.

It is obvious that in a globalized world there are many benefits in speaking more than one language: travel, communication by many means, business, etc. But psychological studies indicate that there are also cognitive advantages. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than those of monolinguals, and these differences offer several mental benefits. Many of these benefits are apparent in people who use these languages ??on a regular basis, however, even at mature ages, learning another language can provide the same benefits.

Hablan los mexicanos una segunda lengua?

English has become the universal language with English being the most widely spoken language in the world. For this reason thousands of people decide to study English as a second language since having a good knowledge and understanding of English will only bring you advantages both personally and professionally.

The two best known English dialects are American and British, the latter also called "Oxford English" because it is the English taught at the University of Oxford. These two variations of English are expanding more and more, since they are the ones that are taught as a foreign language in half the world and are supported by the diffusion that the English-speaking media provide.

Another important reason to learn English is that we will be able to access a better education, without limiting ourselves to the universities or training centers of our own country. It will also give us access to the most current and complete information, we will know the latest advances and we will be able to access most of the scientific, academic and technological texts written in English. According to a study more than 56% of Internet sites are published in English. In second place is German with 8%.

Por qué aprender idiomas contribuye al desarrollo cognitivo

Studying English is the best excuse to spend a great vacation. A language trip abroad is the best way to learn English, get to know a new culture and interesting people, visit incredible places and enjoy an unforgettable vacation in general.

Although Spanish is the predominant language in Mexico, English is widely used in foreign business as it is the world's lingua franca. English language proficiency is a highly sought-after feature in the search for professional employees.

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