KAROL G HAVE TO LEAVE THE STAGE The artist Karol G, partner of the renowned Pop singer Anuel, began her musical career at the age of 20, achieving her renowned fame until today, with enough effort and dedication. The artist Karol G in mid-January of this year postulated her Ocean Tour in the following countries: Argentina, Miami, Canada, Puerto Rico, Spain, England, France, Russia and Colombia to end with the best presentations in Medellin, Bogota, Calí and Cartagena, this ending in mid-June to take a well-deserved rest on the beaches of his hometown, along with his family and partner. Upon arriving in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, the artist manifested a discomfort in her throat and head, for which she had to make a stop and reconcile an urgent appointment to locate the problem. According to results reports, the doctor commented that the artist had a loss of tonsils, which for her was not possible to continue with her Ocean Tour as planned, the artist decided to put her health first and decided to postpone the Tour to the end of October and thus not disappoint each Fan.
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