Pets today have been proven to have obesity and health problems in their
bodies due to the poor diet that is provided to them.
For that we have a series of tips that have been previously proven so that they
have better feasibility in your pet today
1. Always give 3 servings a day to your pet, do not let him have the food served all day and
much less have the full plate, this will help your pet have a good metabolism in the rest of each meal.
2. Always pay attention to your pet that the food you have is to his liking so that
he does not ask for food all the time because he is hungry.
3. Always keep a cup with water, that is essential for the pet's metabolism to be more productive.
4. Maintain specific hours of outings to the park in case of a dog so that its exercise is
constant, in case of another type of pet, play games and didactic activities at home that
make your pet enjoy these daily.
5. Make constant checks with the veterinarian so that they can challenge the health of your pet.
6.Check that your dog's controls and vaccinations are up to date, so that it does not have
consequences when it comes to food and being in nature.
7. Always take care of your pet, they are there to accompany you and there is nothing
more beautiful than knowing that you have a partner for life to support you.
The love of your pet is essential, always take care of it and feed it well with good habits
and you can improve the health of your pet. Last but not least, make them aware with
prizes that they like and with which they feel happy.
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