Due to the heavy rains that Europe is experiencing, there have
been numerous floods.
Early this morning a great loss of southern Italy, Spain and France was recorded.
The water is beginning to claim the lives of more than 1,000 people. Due to a
landslide a 13 year old girl lost her life in Spain, she was living on the streets,
and the heavy rain this morning was the last thing she needed to be helpless
against the cold and the loneliness of drowning.
As her classmates commented, they are worried about the loss of their classmate
and 5 other classmates from the Ibai Llanos school in Madrid. Because of what
happened now, campaigns are being carried out to help these defenseless homeless
children mainly, to have a place where they are not out in the open while the floods
continue throughout the continent, the shelters will be protected and the government
will provide health and food measures. Let's hope that the heavy rains stop and do not
leave more deaths in all countries, certainly a global catastrophe.
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