“Two worlds together”
Letras Salvatorianas 
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“Two worlds together”

In September we are going to celebrate the science´s fair. This event will be special this year because two areas are working together: science and english, this is a real opportunity to improve student’s skills in both subjects, teachers and students will have the experience to live the science world using a foreign language as english. In this article you can find some student´s opinions about their personal experiences durint the planning period...

23 ago 2018


How all we know in September we are going to celebrate the science´s fair. This event will be special this year because two areas are working together: science and english, this is a real opportunity to improve student’s skills in both subjects, teachers and students will have the experience to live the science world using a foreign language as english.

Here we have some student´s opinions about their personal experiences during the planning period:

Luciana Buitrago 4°B: “I like science day it is an important activity, we are learning a lot of science but is a little complicate because we must to define: objectives, chronogram, resources, justify and bibliography also we can´t forget the name or title of the project”


Maria Juliana Zota 4°B: “My experience in the science fair is hard because we have to investigate and work many hours but it is fun too because we are working with our friends and we are learning a lot of english”


Maria Alejandra Manjarres 5°: “I enjoy this project because we are getting together english and science, we have one hour peer week to work in our protect and it is fun.”

Isabella Espinosa 5° “I love science fair because we are reading about the universe and planets this is interesting for us and we work in a good team”, teachers help us and we can improve day by day.

Steven Morales 5°: “I feel happy in the science protect”



Thanks english area.


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