Lola 4th course--> The cat is a mammal. It is vertebrate and blue. It lives in the house. It can run and it has got a tail.
Andrea 4th course--> My animal is a horse. The horse is a mammal. It eats vegetables and water. It is vertebrate and friendly. It can run and jump. It can't fly. It has got long hair and nose. It hasn't got two legs.
Carlos 4th course--> It is a fish. It is black and friendly and vertebrate. It lives in the sea. It eats insects. It can swim. It can't fly. It has got scales and 2 eyes. It hasn't got 2 wings and legs.
Lucas 5th course--> The bull is a mammal. It is vertebrate and brown, black..... It lives in the village and it is dangerous. It eats all the things, it is omnivorous. It can run, jump and walk. It can't fly and climb. It has got 2 eyes, 2 ears, a tail and 4 legs.
Luana 5th course--> The shark is a fish. It is grey and vertebrate. The shark lives in the sea. It eats meat. It is very dangerous. It can swim. It has got fins and it hasn't got whiskers.
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