Listening and speaking are very important skills, while listening is a receptive skill, speaking is a productive skill. Both are complementary and need from the other to communicate. A person has to listen the message other people is saying to answer and have a conversation.
Not always it is necessary to communicate with other people in a direct way, then listening and speaking can be used in a passive way. For example, listening a song, radio or a recording and speaking to a machine, animal or giving a speech that it does not need to be answered.
By listening, the person tries to make sense of the language and to understand the code of the received message, ideas or points of view.
By speaking, a person tries to convey a meaning using a code and deliver a message and to communicate effectively.
Listening skill involves processing the sounds, processing into words and sentences and understanding the meaning. Speaking skills involves attention and listening, interpreting facial expressions and tone of voice, understanding words. It has 5 steps, attending, understanding, interpreting, responding and remembering.
Electronic references:
The listening skill
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