What is a global language?
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What is a global language?

A global language is recognized around the world.


A global language is the one that is recognized around the world. It can be spoken in many countries as a mother tongue; or in a country with a large population, but if it is not recognized in other countries and used as a lingua franca, it is not considered global.

A language can have different status, it can be official or just spoken by people; it also can share the official status with another language. The reasons to choose a particular language can be historical tradition, political, commercial, cultural or technological contact, among others.

     A language becomes global because of the military and economic power of the nation and people who speaks that language.  People need a global language to communicate, we all have different mother tongues, and in order to do different things for example trade, education, research, and accomplish other purposes; it is necessary to use a language.

There are various languages that are considered lingua franca according to some worldwide organizations. The main global language is English, and it has been chosen because its influence in the internet, scientific research, trade and the influence of the countries where the English is official or mainly spoken.

     English is the most taught language as a foreign or second language. At this time when knowledge , work and leisure , among other aspects are easier to get; when people is in contact with people from abroad, and countries are becoming part of big trades and groups, a global language becomes a paradigm.



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