La Gran Colombia
The Digital UGC
The Digital UGC 
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La Gran Colombia

The values ??of the Gran Colombia university distinguish it as an institution committed to the training not only of the students but also of their integral formation as human beings that are part of a society.

29 nov 2019

La Gran Colombia university is a community composed of students, professors and administration, whose purposes are the integral and permanent formation of its members, the search for truth through research, innovation, the generation of new knowledge and the communication of knowledge. According to the criteria of its founder, Julio César García Valencia, it is a Christian, Bolivarian, Hispanic and solidarity university.

Christian University:

"because it is dedicated to the affirmation of human dignity and the community's search for truth and has sculpted on his shield the words of Christ:" Veritas Liberabit Vos ". The Christian orientation is Catholic, without exclusion ”.

Bolivarian University:

"because faithful to the ideals of the Liberator, it contributes to the integration of the Hispanic-American peoples in general and Grancolombians in particular, to create a new civilization."

Hispanic University:

"because it constitutes a permanent defense of the cultural values ​​inherited from the Motherland."

Solidarity university:

“because it is committed to the education of people with lower economic resources and to the permanent promotion of the culture of solidarity”.

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