According to Krashen, learners acquire parts of language in a predictable order, acquiring certain grammatical structures earlier than others. But, in this case, they are not learnt due to teaching but to a natural/independent order. So, “regardless of whether the learners’ setting or their exposure to the second language has been in an informal context, all individuals will show the same pattern in learning the basic grammatical morphemes”. For example, according to the natural order hypothesis, learners acquire the grammatical morpheme -ing before the morpheme third person -s.
Taking into account this hypothesis, one possible implication is that teaching language through a traditional structural syllabus may not necessarily help students to acquire the language they need. Attempts to get the learners to produce structures before they are ready to do so may fail. Also, by the time a lesson is structured, it should be known that certain structures of a language are easier to acquire than others and therefore they should be taught in a progressive order.
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