Sustainable energy
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Sustainable energy

Sustainable energy is energy that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable energy is about finding clean, renewable sources of energy?sources that renew themselves, rather than sources that can be depleted.

Tabatha Lara | 20 may 2020

Sustainable energy is energy that we will never use up or deplete. It is inexhaustible. Several forms of energy can be considered sustainable. In addition to the most commonly considered sources—wind, solar, and water—there’s also bioenergy and geothermal energy. Bioenergy is the process of creating energy from biological masses such as straw, manure and other agricultural byproducts. Geothermal energy is energy from Earth’s internal energy sources, like geysers.

There are many forms of sustainable energy sources that can be incorporated by countries to stop the use of fossil fuels. Sustainable energy does not include any sources that are derived from fossil fuels or waste products. This energy is replenishable and helps us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and causes no damage to the environment. If we are going to use fossil fuels at a steady rate, they will expire soon and cause adverse affect to our planet.

Fossil fuels are not considered as sustainable energy sources because they are limited, cause immense pollution by releasing harmful gases and are not available everywhere on earth. Fossil fuels normally include coal, oil and natural gas. Steps must be taken to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels as pose dangerous to environment. Most of the counties have already started taking steps to make use of alternative energy sources. As of today, around 20% of world’s energy needs comes from renewable energy sources. Hydropower is the most common form of alternative energy used around the world.



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