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12 oct 2017

Bullying in students is something that is being worked on within the institution, because to deal with these issues there are several activities such as professional talks within "The Culture of Peace", many of the students who suffer bullying manifested adaptation´s problems and not enjoying the school environment in addition to signs of low self-esteem and sadness, while with students who bully their peers, is necessary an intervention through a protocol of violence with which they are monitored.

We consulted with Patricio Santamaría - Sectional Psychologist - and also commented that the cases of bullying in the institution are very scarce but it is worth remembering that there may be more since some people often carry their discomfort when not being able to handle the situation , one way to help in these cases is to identify pranks between peers and bullying; also helps a lot of the workshops of values, sexuality, etc

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