Sports events
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Sports events

12 oct 2017

Undoubtedly these events excite us all within the community of ANAN either because we enjoy the sport or we like to see, to know more about this we have talked with the professor Luis Amores -Professor of Physical Education- and has updated us with the upcoming events: the inauguration of the "Internal Championships" in the school will be on October 21 of this year, the teams that face are made by drawing and the winning course will receive a pizza.

We also know that the "ANAN Cup" will begin the first week of February next year and if the winners are students from the school; you can exonerate from the exam of 1 or 2 subjects, here is the perfect time to make the most of the others and try to obtain a sports scholarship, we will certainly wait until February arrives with eagerness to see the development of this event.

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