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12 oct 2017

One of the extracurricular activities within the institution is the Theater, the teacher Sherley Almeida who is Head of the Arts Area and director of this group called "The Mask" tells us that besides being in charge of the organization must know in all aspects to the children who are part of their group because it is necessary to know how they are at the time of work and that each one of them develops, besides this also it is necessary to combine the talent and the discipline, is very important the commitment and the constant effort too.

Within the group they use different techniques such as vowels, body expression, dance, etc ..., each production is a new challenge because each scene that is done depends on the people acting and the elements they handle, with panic problems , Sherley looks for everyone to feel comfortable with their character, to put their personal contribution to it and for the kids to know that there will be no scorn on the part of the public.

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