This morning we were all stunned when, through the RTVE (Radio Televisión Española) network, we taught that dictator Francisco Franco had died. "Españoles… Franco ha muerto” With this statement, Carlos Arias Navarro, the current president of the government told us. November 20, 1975, Date that will remain for the story.
Francisco Franco Bahamonde was a military and Spanish dictator, and impeller, along with other high military positions, of the coup d'état of 1936 against the democratic Government of the Second Republic, whose failure ended in the Spanish civil war. He was invested as supreme head of the rebellious side 1 of October of 1936, and exerted like caudillo of Spain-head of State.
He was leader of the unique party Falange Española Tradicionalista and of the Joints of National Sindicalista Offensive (FET and of the JONS), in which he supported to establish a fascist regime in its beginnings, that later would lead in a dictatorship, known like Franquismo, of conservative type, catholic and anti-communist.
Rest in peace.
Álvaro García Pérez
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