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Opinion article about the role of women nowadays during Franco regime written by journalist Álvaro García Pérez, 02-1960.

7 jun 2017

Today, at Wednesday 7th of February of 1960, I cannot understand very much some things about our world. It is often said that women are closer and closer to men talking in terms of society and this is the falsest thing I have ever heard. Now, what I am mainly concerned with is the role of women nowadays therefore I am going to express my opinion about this topic.


It is a well-known fact that women are receiving a lower level of education than men, who learn about science and human studies. Women learn practical household skills and proper social behaviour in public. So if men and women both are humans, why do they have different types of education? As a result of this, we can say that Franco tries to say us that women are made to be only at home and work for others.


Women are totally equal than men so they have the right to work as much as men and in the same professions. In this society, only men can have good jobs and work less hours than women. Why? I can´t give a reasonable explanation to you because it doesn’t exist. As well as men are better paid than women for the same job and less hours. I can´t find a logical explanation to this topic and it seems to that situation is awful and must be changes immediately.


In favour to men, I have to say that as they have a better education than women, they are more prepared than them to work in better jobs. But this is not women´s fault and they don´t have the responsibility of not having a decent education.


In conclusion, this situation must be changed because before the genders (men and women), it exists something called THE HUMAN RACE, and this would have to be above everything. I would be grateful if this article would be useful to make people thinking.


Álvaro García Pérez

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