Ximena Itzel Gálvez Medina 1-BCI | 28 nov 2020

Donald Ervin Knuth (Milwaukee, Wisconsin; January 10, 1938) is a renowned American computer science expert, famous for his fruitful research within the analysis of algorithms and compilers.
Achievements and contributions
  1. He is Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. 
  2. He has a total of nine awards.
  3. He is a recognized American computer science expert.
  4. He has the idea of translating his knowledge to share it with the world was quite precocious.
  5. He offers a $ 2.56 reward to anyone who finds typos or misconceptions in his books.
  6. He is the creator of the most used typographic programs today.
  7. He defines himself as "a geek"
  8. His true passion is music, however he is a good Mathematician and Computer scientist.
  9. He has two children named John and Jennifer.
  10. He is considered the father of modern programming.
  • "I am condemned by the current trend to seek patents for algorithms. There are better ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making use of your contributions to computing."
  • "La ciencia es lo que entendemos lo suficiente como para explicar a un ordenador. El arte es todo lo que hacemos."
  • "Everyday life is like programming I guess. If you like something you can put beauty in it."
  • "People think that computing is the art of geniuses, but the true reality is quite the opposite, as are many people doing things that are based on each other, like a wall of small stones."
  • "Currently I use Ubuntu Linux on a separate laptop - it has no internet connection. from time to time I carry flash drives between this machine and the Macs that I use for the network navigation and graphics, but I trust my family gems for Linux only. "

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