Ximena Itzel Gálvez Medina 1-BCI | 28 nov 2020

Learn more about the LEPOKA band

For those of you that doesn´t know Lepoka, they are a folk-metal band from Spain, in total they are 6 friends that play they own music on a way that you as a fan can feel part of them and make it look like a whole big family from Spain to Argentina.

Lepoka is back what a new full album: "El baile de los caídos". In their new album they included from heavy metal to ska, Asian music and a little taste of salsa, one of the best disc on 2020. I suggest you to take a listen to the Lepoka’s discs.

Interview with Popezthe main guitar on the band

  • How are you, how do you feel about the launch of your new album?

It feels great, a whole 2 years project finally out for all of our fans so they can enjoy it as we did when we recorded it. Its awesome to read how all our fans are in love with it. It’s a way to know we are doing it well.Im 38years old andI feel like 20, Im just great haha.

  • I can have imagine it have been hard months four all of you, how is your family?

I think we ?re all fine, it just had been hard to change a different type of life, my wife, Adriana, it happy about the new album but she its also upset about all that had happened, I just know I love her for being supporting me all this years taking care of my little kid.

  • Ohh, that´s a nice nuclear family. How old is he?

He Will be 2 years old in some months, and the only think o know its that he loves all those instruments he plays with day and night hahaha.I think he is good with.

  • What was the best part of your tour around México?

I think it was the opportunity no know all the fans around México, they ?re friendly and happy, they were able tomake us feel comfortable every were.

  • Album, why you postposed it for the long?

We choose to do that because of all of these things that are happening around the world, most of that was about the concerts, only till now it is enough safe to do one.

  • From where did you take the idea for the song "La huella del dragon"?

I was watching Mulan so I thought on that Asian type of music and mixed that with the folk-metal.

  • I saw you invited a lot of artist to record "El baile de los caidos", haw was that?

Yeah, it was awesome, artist from many different bands that play the kind o music we like. There is too much talent on this disc.

  • The song "Seguimos en pie", has trumpets on it, how Zarach will play that in live?

Pretty good question, well he is a great artist, and he is able no play a lot of instruments, in live he will do what he knows.

  • And talking about another invited artist, Migue Franco, how was working with him?

Dani (the vocalist) was so happy about it when we were recording, but I think that song will be plaintiff during concerts.

  • And what about the song "El picorsito", who thought on the videoclip idea?

It was a grupal idea, I thought on only showing photoswith some an artistic style, and Jaume thought on telling a story at the same time haha.

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