Particle accelerators are basically very long empty tubes surrounded by magnets. The magnetic fields produced by the magnets confine the particles in the center of the tube and propel them along it, accelerating them as they travel and keeping them concentrated in a thin beam that, in the largest accelerators, only measures one millimeter in diameter .
Particle accelerators have their own risks, like everything else. As with any other technology, there is a danger that some piece of machinery will fail and the jet of particles inside will end up doing things that it should not do ... How to pass through the head of one of the operators.
This is precisely what happened to Anatoli Bugorski, a researcher who worked at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Protvino, former Soviet Union, in the synchrotron U-70, a ring of about 1,500 meters of perimeter through which passes a jet of particles with an energy of up to 76 GeV.
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