There are people who do not believe that this is a chain born here in Ourense
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There are people who do not believe that this is a chain born here in Ourense

José Manuel Doval and Gabriela Carolina Morelo started up 4 Elements with 12,000 euros lent and today they invoice four million.

Adrián Rodríguez Miranda | 16 nov 2018

They are the creators of the brand 4 Elementos, a chain of urban sports fashion stores that already has six physical locations, in addition to the online platform, and that has managed, based on tenacity, to seduce the first international brands to exhibit their latest creations. Those firms accustomed to placing their novelties in select shops of the main and largest cities, which at first saw them as if they were crazy when they went to them to request their merchandise, now attend them enchanted. And is that 4 Elements is no longer a store lost in a small provincial capital. The brand, the style and the philosophy that they have started in their project, has hooked streetwear fashion lovers. "Many people do not believe that this is an Ourense chain, that it was born in Ourense and that we are the owners. They think it's a franchise, "says Manuel. Today there are six establishments that show off the brand; in the Ourense capital they have two, plus those of Vigo, Pontevedra, Santiago and Madrid. The first, in 2007, was in Jesús Soria Street. «They were four shirts and four pants; I almost felt sorry, "says Manuel, seeing him with the perspective given by the road he walked. "When we opened it to me they were going to renew a contract in the supermarket, but I told them no and with my liquidation and twelve thousand euros that Manuel's mother left us, we set it up," Gabriela points out.
Who are they?
José Manuel Doval. Son of emigrants, was born in Venezuela in 1985 and returned to Ourense with four years. After finishing the School Graduate, at age 16 he started working in the construction sector and then in a factory of aeronautics components. In 2007 he set up, together with Gabriela, his first store.
Gabriela Carolina Morello. Also Venezuelan by birth (1983), she arrived in Ourense at age 19 to study Clinical Laboratory. Then she began working as a replenant and cashier in supermarkets to support herself while trying to enter university and do medicine. On the way he met José Manuel, with whom he created 4 Elementos.

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