Data Transfer Speed 1000 times Higer than LTE?
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Data Transfer Speed 1000 times Higer than LTE?

Kevin Dominguez Lorenzo | 5 feb 2019

This is what awaits us with the future standard of 5G mobile phone technology. This fifth generation will be the technological base of the developments of the Internet of Things, with automated vehicles, houses connected to smart cities ... 5G technology is full of potential.
To begin with, 5G technology promises to be up to 100 times faster than current wireless systems. Although the current devices do not have enough capacity to support it, it is worth noting that this technology will not start arriving until 2018, with Japan, South Korea and North America being probably the first to adopt this 5G technology.
The 5G networks will allow the devices to connect with each other directly, with a more efficient communication and therefore with a lower expenditure of battery power, in addition to increasing speed, 5G networks will offer lower latency, greater reliability, better connectivity from more places; also greater capacity, allowing more users and more devices to be connected at the same time.

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