The supercomputer that wants to imitate the human brain: a million nuclei to model a billion neurons in real time.
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The supercomputer that wants to imitate the human brain: a million nuclei to model a billion neurons in real time.

Adrián Rodríguez Miranda | 14 nov 2018

 This supercomputer is located at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, and began construction in 2006 with the aim of making up to 200 billion operations per second. The attractiveness of the project is that it is the first computer of its kind in the region with a focus on neuromorphic computing. After 12 years of work in construction and development, a few days ago, 'SpiNNaker' was first turned on (Spiking Neural Network Architecture), an amazing neuromorphic supercomputer equipped with a million nuclei, with which it seeks to imitate the work done by a human brain.

Temas relacionados:

#supercomputer #humanbrain

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