The world's slowest experiment and other shocking studies in the history of science
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The world's slowest experiment and other shocking studies in the history of science

Alexander Graham Bell, one of the most eminent scientists in our history, said: "Never walk on the path traced because he will only lead you to where others already were". In science, sometimes, you have to take risks. That implies criticism, skepticism and rejection. Others, simply, the lack of results. As a result, science can advance in ways we never would have imagined. Whether it is productive or not, some experiments give a lot to talk about, creating shocking or striking situations from which to learn.

Mario Domínguez López | 14 nov 2018

To Thomas Parnell, of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, we owe what has been called the "pitch drop experiment" or the longest in history. This experiment was designed by the professor to demonstrate that some substances that we consider as solid, in reality, are highly viscous fluids. This happens with pitch. In 1927, the professor arranged a special funnel with hot pitch and let it solidify for three years, without anything bothering her. In 1930, Parnell cut the neck of the funnel, beginning the measurement of the experiment. And it was not until ten years after the first drop of pitch fell on the Petri dish.

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