In Mexico, English is very important because today, in the competitive job market, speaking English is not an option, it is a necessity.
In Mexico, only 2% of the population is completely bilingual, or in other words, people who can function naturally in Mexican and English-speaking cultures. This percentage is mainly distributed in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and border areas of the country, so that in populations with less than five thousand inhabitants, English is practically nil.
The main consequence of not learning English is the curriculum in schools, so some people would have to pay for a subject that could be taught for free or simply the academic level of some schools is not efficient.
It is true that in this new stage of the world, we must have more knowledge, more experience, more capacity, to have more job opportunities and not only for work but also to be prepared for any situation. I believe that this language should be taught in all schools and even that the jobs require workers to study English, so that the same companies have more connections with other companies and thus better negotiations can be achieved, at the same time I think that if the goverment is really interested in the country moving forward, they should give English classes with more level and better quality. It takes a lot of work and effort at all educational levels in our country to make the English language a basic and free subject in everyone's education. If we want to be a first world country, a competitive country and with great professionals who can raise the Mexican flag internationally, it is necessary and vital to have English as the official second language.
That is the main reason why we should know English in Mexico and the main cause is the poor level of English in some schools. We must worry more about this issue because the future of the country is in school.
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